Ever since the Industrial Revolution transformed the nature of consumerism in America, brand owners have worked to develop packaging that not only serves its function but also looks appealing and draws attention away from the competition. Now the age of e-commerce has added another level of complexity to the packaging process. More and more customers are directing their business to online shops that offer affordable, or even free, delivery, presenting a growing need for packaging that can withstand day- or week-long journeys with the post office while also reinforcing a consistent and positive brand message. It’s no easy task!

The Proper Fit

Every business must decide what packages should be used to transport products across the country or even internationally. Some make all choices based on cost savings, while other companies opt to spend a bit more money in order to make a stronger impression to the consumer. Brooks Brothers, for instance, has 25 different box sizes used specifically for online orders, one of which is sized purposefully to fit exactly three dress shirts.

The Director of the Contact Center at Brooks Brothers explained, “When the customer gets their order, we want them to be pleased with the way it was packaged. We think that having one large box with one small item sloshing around detracts from that goal. We’re not as fiscally prudent by having those additional box types, but we feel that the trade-off is a much more impressive presentation for our customer.”

High Quality Considerations

We all know that packaging can be found in low and high qualities, and a retailer’s ultimate goal is to use a material with a strong enough quality while remaining affordable. While Wal-Mart is known for its low prices and can get away with lower-end packaging choices thanks to its brand’s reputation, a company like Ralph Lauren, renowned for its luxury clothing, must use packaging that helps each order feel completely personalized and unique. This type of packaging might be thicker, with tissue paper and even a thank-you card on top.