You are currently viewing How We Can Assist You in the Midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone in the country in one way or another. Many businesses are closing or operating at a decreased capacity while stay-at-home orders are extended across the country. We know that some of our customers provide essential products, such as foods and beverages. As such, you need to maintain your operations, and that requires us to be able to meet your case packing needs.

How We’re Flattening the Curve

Here at Econocorp, we are taking extra precautions for the safety and well-being of all of our employees. Anyone who is able to work from home is doing so. While our factories remain open, we are maintaining social distancing measures between employees. We have also suspended all travel, which could make repairs difficult.

Service Issues

Depending on your location, service calls may not be possible. Most service issues are being handled remotely. While this is not ideal, we can assure you that we have the ability and know-how to walk you through troubleshooting so that we can try to keep you running even as we are forced to stay apart.

Sales and Consultations

We are still selling, manufacturing, and servicing our case packing machines. Whereas we normally try to conduct sales activity and consultations in person, we are currently attempting to keep all of these activities to video conferencing and other digital meeting solutions. We can still work with you to determine your needs and the best equipment for your purposes.

Factory Acceptance Tests

The factory acceptance test is the final quality control measure that we go through before releasing your equipment. Typically FATs are conducted in person, for obvious reasons. However, we are not currently allowing clients in our factory. Instead, we will be performing FATs with clients via Facetime and video recordings.

Coming Soon

Every year, Econocorp participates in a variety of trade shows, bringing our products into the limelight. Although conventions and trade shows have been postponed or cancelled due to the crisis, we are still here to educate the world about case packing. We are currently working on developing a way to participate in virtual trade shows. As soon as we have more information, we will let you know here in our blog.