If you produce a product, and you’re looking to have the right casing and packing materials for your product, you might think that you have an easy project ahead of you. Don’t be mistaken. Your choice of casepacking manufacturer doesn’t just impact your bottom line in terms of your cost. Your choice actually goes beyond a simple matter of expenses and total contract pricing.

In fact, your choice can impact your overall brand presentation. When people in your distribution chain access your cases and your cartons and other packaging materials, they are in contact with your brand. More precisely, they are in contact with how your brand is positioned and presented. If your cases are manufactured wrong, it can have a negative impact on how people perceive your brand. Any sort of negative brand impact negatively impacts your bottom line. It really is that simple. There is a clear line between brand perception and packaging perception.

This is why it’s very important for you to find the right casepacking manufacturer. Thankfully, it’s not as hard as you think. Just follow the tips below so you can get on the road to finding the right cartoning manufacturer that will meet all your needs.

Standardized operations

When you’re looking for specialized services like manufacturing, you have to be very careful as to who you do business with. The last thing you want is to do business with a company that does things the same way a fly-by-night operation does things.

Fly-by-night operation has no standards. They basically just do things by the seat of their pants, and they just roll the dice continuously regarding getting things done. This is not the way to go. At the very least, you need to insist on standardized operations. In other words, everything has to be done a precise way. Everything has to focus on precision.


The right casepacking manufacturer should have handled the kind of packages that you want manufactured at least for several years. You need to insist on experience because you don’t want to the guinea pig of a particular manufacturer. Being a guinea pig costs money. Being a guinea pig will set you back in terms of production time. Being a guinea pig might even negatively impact your brand because of bad packaging materials.

Professional personnel

The whole process of communicating with your casepacking manufacturer must be as smooth and flawless as possible. This can only happen if you’re dealing with a truly professional organization. When you talk to people who handle your communications in a professional manner, you can rest assured that you are dealing with a truly professional organization.


The right casepacking manufacturer follows the right sequence of actions. They have a system. They have the right suppliers. They have the right machinery. They have the right processes. And they all flow together to produce the same standardized result time and time again. This is how you know that you are dealing with an organization that has a system as opposed to an organization that is basically just rolling the dice with your brand.


A truly professional casepacking manufacturer does things for a reason. They are very deliberate regarding the specific processes that make up their overall manufacturing system.

Ask questions regarding their methods. Ask questions regarding how they selected their methods. You’d be surprised as to the answers that you get. The best manufacturers to do business with must clearly be methodical.