The black market is teeming with knock-off medications and supplements that tantalize buyers with lower prices and promises of dramatic results. Not only is this dangerous and risky for the buyers and sellers, but it’s devastating to the established brands experiencing the counterfeiting.

Building a Brand

Developing, creating, and marketing a well-loved brand is nothing short of a feat. The brand needs to be nurtured, protected, and even defended. Of course, no brand can be successful without reliable and quality products. Whether food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, or skincare, a brand’s reputation plays an essential role in consumer purchasing.

Fighting Counterfeiting

Unfortunately, successful companies with market leadership are commonly targeted by counterfeiters. One of the world’s leading global nutritional companies, Nutritional Brands, dedicated themselves to providing customers with a pure, high-quality supplement line only to discover that their best-selling brand, Aerobic Life MagO7, had been ripped off and sold fraudulently. The counterfeiting epidemic doesn’t only effect the pharmaceutical and supplement industry, but even beauty products and the food supply as well.

Strategic response was necessary to ensure customers that their products remained authentic while simultaneously disabling counterfeiters from continuing their fraud. The answer was found in a special holographic feature, which replaced a clear shrink film band that covered the cap and neck of the supplement bottles.

Though other options were considered, the holographic safety seal was affordable, protective, and tamper-proof.

Consumer Awareness

With the implementation of this holographic safety seal, customers now have the ability to differentiate authentic products from fakes and knock-offs. Since the true cost of counterfeiting on legitimate businesses can never be truly calculated, customer awareness is paramount to maintaining a successful brand image.

As Danna Pratte, CEO of Nutritional Brands, explained, “The benefit of the new label is that it creates another layer of consumer confidence and value in knowing Nutritional brands has done everything it can to protect the customer and provide them with the best product available. There’s no guesswork or question for the customer. If they see the new seal, they know it can be trusted.”