When you are considering cartons for your product there are a lot of things to consider. Your cartons are not just a way for you to package your product. They are also a way for you to ship your product, store it, and reflect your business reputation. Here are some top things to consider when choosing cartons for your products.

Size and Shape

You want to make sure that your cartons are of the appropriate size and shape for the containers or product that you are shipping. You may want to experiment with arranging your product in different configurations to determine the most effective size and shape to ship the number of products or containers that you typically send out. For example, you may need to send out packages of 6 or 12 containers.


Your cartons say a lot about your company. One of the best things you can do for your company, your customers, and the planet is to use biodegradable cartons. All of our cartons are recyclable. You can easily inform your customers of how to reuse or recycle your cartons on your website or literature that is shipped with the product.

Easily Fillable

Cartons should be fast and easy to fill with your product. While you can do this manually with many cartons, it is usually a good idea to purchase a cartoner that speeds up the process and makes it more efficient. All of our cartons work with the cartoners that we have available to make your manufacturing and packaging process as efficient as possible.

If you are interested in learning more about how to choose the best cartons for your product, contact us today for more information and to get started with your first cartons.