The True Power of Uptime

The speed at which your packaging machines can produce products is an essential component of your company’s overall success, so it is critical that you invest in machinery that is reliable, efficient, and durable. When you strategically increase uptime, you not only minimize downtime, but you keep your packaging line…

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Expo Pack Show in Mexico

Product packaging is a science and artform that impacts the entire world, and many American companies have expanded their operations to include international markets, especially in Mexico. From June 13 to 15, the Expo Pack will be taking place in Guadalajara, Mexico, an event that  gives 15,000 professional buyers from…

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Interpack: The Single Most Important Event in the Packaging Industry

From May 4 to 10, Interpack 2017 will be held in Dusseldorf, Germany with the goal of inspiring the packaging industry and the rest of the supply chain. As explained on the Interpack website, “The packaging industry is essential to all other industry sectors. It’s impossible to think of any…

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The Dangers of Neglecting Packaging Optimization

Packaging products involves far more than the physical material used to encase and transport products. From choosing the right type of packing and accounting for environmental factors during the transportation process to working with the right package design and material vendors, the art of packaging is complex and demanding. This…

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Minimize Your Downtime, Maximize Your Profits

The term “downtime” has a few different connotations and can even be viewed as a positive thing for busy workers or parents who need some “downtime” or rest. However, when applied in the packaging industry, downtime is a costly and unwanted occurrence. In the manufacturing world, downtime can be described…

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Will Robotics Soon Rule the Warehouse?

Robots have long been the fixation of science fiction writers and dreamers of the future, but today robotics has become an integral part of the American economy, especially in warehouses. A recent market research report published by MarketsandMarkets revealed that between 2017 and 2022, the warehouse robotics market is expected…

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The Fast Pace of U.S. Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the backbone of many local economies around the country, but it’s become all too common for those manufacturing jobs to be “shipped off” to other countries willing to accept cheaper wages and offer tax incentives. Fortunately, according to The Institute for Supply Management, manufacturing in America is now…

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