Will 2018 Kill These Packaging Design Trends?

The beginning of each new year always provides inspiration for the evolution of new trends and the elimination of old ones. It is likely that 2018 will provide the opportunity for innovative packaging choices to overtake the following design trends. Clutter Replaced By Simplicity The simplicity of minimalism is becoming…

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This Polymer Film Hygenically Covers Multipack Cans

Some consumers don’t give a second thought to opening a can of soda or beer and taking a cool, refreshing sip, but other consumers are significantly concerned by the potential for contamination. After all, cans pass through many different hands on their way to store shelves. Though packaging entities cannot…

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The Connection Between Cybersecurity and Packaging Operations

The instant connection between the packaging industry and cyber security may not seem obvious, but the truth is that packaging professionals need to prepare for the possibilities of ransomware and cyberattacks just as much as other industry leaders. Connectivity has become a necessity in modern packaging production facilities, making it…

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Important Considerations for Holiday Packaging

Even the best product packaging can benefit from a bit of a holiday facelift. The holiday season offers so many marketing opportunities, and the most successful companies know how to take advantage of those opportunities to attract new customers and maintain current consumers. Just think about the iconic Starbucks cups…

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Welcome to the World of a Packaging Engineer

Where would we be in this life without talented engineers? While most people associated engineers directly with complex scientific and mathematical jobs that are difficult to understand, it’s often overlooked that every single industry relies upon the expertise of engineers to succeed. The packaging industry is no different, so what…

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Catch Econocorp at Pack Expo Las Vegas

Every year, multiple important and exciting packaging expositions are held around the country. Between September 25 and 27, those on the West Coast can enjoy the Pack Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. With more than 2,000 top industry suppliers exhibiting their machinery, at least 30,000 packaging professionals in attendance, and…

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Using Asymmetric Bottles to Set Your Product Apart

It’s dizzying to consider the wide range of design components that have the potential to impact your product’s ability to stand apart from the competition and attract the attention of new and loyal customers alike. Color, shape, size, material, and wording only begin the list of elements that manufacturers must…

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Is Voice-Enabled Technology Coming to the Packaging Industry?

Technology is advancing at the speed of light, and achievements now considered commonplace couldn’t even have been imagined a few decades ago. This is especially true of artificial intelligence (AI), which used to merely be a subject for imaginative science fiction authors. Today, artificial intelligence is becoming ingrained into everyday…

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